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Framed Teaser #4…

The fourth and final FRAMED teaser.  Only TWO weeks to go before it releases.  I hope you all are as excited as I am 🙂

Against every fiber of my being, I shut my mouth and got in my car.  I followed him north and out of the city, then wove through traffic on the highway at break-neck speed.  Even with my heavily leaded foot, I was having a hard time keeping up. 

Sean never drove crazily.  I knew whatever I was headed toward was something I would rather be running from. 

Intuition could be such a bitch.


  1. Heather Northcut says:

    I cant wait for Framed to come out! Im an at home Army wife and mother of 2 so life gets pretty busy exhausting and stressful. reading is my only escape. I found the Caged series and within 2 days im twiddling my thumbs ready for book 3 to come out since i finshed first 2 books within 2 days without realizing it. You truly are an amazing writer!

    1. Thanks so much, Heather! Being an at home mum is hard work, and I can’t imagine having a spouse in the armed forces…you most certainly need an escape 🙂 I’m flattered that Caged has done that for you. I hope you found all the teasers on the blog, and entered to win the free copy of Framed! One week to go before you can read a little more about Ruby and all her crazy friends!

  2. Jennifer says:

    I am a mother of four and I am always looking for a great story to come along and give me a brief escape from the chaos that is my life :)! I am an avid reader. My book collection is quite extensive, and I have read many Urban Fantasy/Paranormal series. I absolutely fell in love with this series and I am contstantly referring your books to just about everyone, even random people in the bookstore! I just wanted to tell you that I think your writing is FANTASTIC! I am waiting with baited breath for the next book! Thank you so much!

    1. YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!!!!! That’s beyond a compliment, and I find myself without the right words to say in return. I’m a mum as well, so I know that escape you’re talking about. I started writing when I was pregnant, and never stopped. I LOVE this story, these characters, and all their shenanigans, but, to have someone who clearly loves this genre think so highly of my writing is just amazing. Thank you for your support, and for putting people in headlocks in public places to make them buy my books 🙂 If you’re not on my Facebook page, you probably should be. There are MANY fans just like you on there. We have a good time, and they tend to get some extra goodies every now and again, too…

  3. Argh! Two weeks cannot go fast enough! I’m assuming I have to wait an ‘extra’ day to get Framed, seeing as though I’m in Australia and we are a day ahead?!

    1. well…you could set a clock and get up early to get it 🙂 Actually, we usually start the upload the night before, so it technically should be available by 1 or 2am Eastern Standard time. I’m not sure if that’s helpful to you or not.

      1. Ah excellent. Means it will possibly be available when I get home from work. The 25th is a public holiday here, so I’ll be able to stay up and read it all night 🙂 Can’t wait! It’s been a while since I’ve anticipated the release of a book so much!

      2. I love that feeling…the one you get when you think you might actually commit a crime if you don’t get the book you want soon. Try to stay out of jail for the next 11 days! And I’ll expect a full report regarding whether or not it lived up to expectations 🙂

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